"You must see it. You must believe it. And then you must never stop working to make it happen" ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger

What is Meal Prep  |   Benefits of Meal Prep  |   Macro nutrients explained  |   Individual macros calculator  |   How to Meal Prep  |   Challenges of Meal Prep  |   Meal prep plan

Achieving and mantaining your ideal dream body shape is a journey that requires three key ingredients: a dedicated training plan, optimal nutrition along with some rest and recovery.

  1. Consistent training: Lifting weights and performing exercises that target specific muscle groups is essential for muscle growth and definition.
  2. Fuel your body with balanced nutrition: A complete diet rich in protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats provides the building blocks for muscle growth and repair, while also supporting your workouts.
  3. Prioritized Rest and Recovery: Adequate sleep and rest days are just as important as training for muscle tissue repair, replenishing energy stores and promoting overall well-being.

Disclaimer: The information on this website is intended to support your fitness journey, not replace advice from your doctor. It is not designed to diagnose, prevent or treat any health condition. Please consult your healthcare provider before starting a new fitness, diet or supplement plan.

What is Meal Prep?

Instead of preparing every single meal right before consumption from scratch... or relying on last-minute food choices... or facing the "what should I eat?" dilemma each time...

Meal prep is a fantastic way to take control of your health and fitness goals. It involves planning your meals for the week in advance, considering the required macronutrient needs, preparing meals in a single session and then storing to be easily assembled and enjoyed in the coming week.

Bodybuilding, building a lean and healthy body, typically follows the following paths: cutting (reducing body fat), building muscle definition (getting lean and toned), bulking (gaining body mass) and maintaining (preserving muscle mass). Regardless of your specific goal, meal prep can be a game changer on your body sculpting journey.

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Benefits of Meal Prep: Why is it so crucial for your fitness goals?

Meal prep involves planning, preparing and portioning your meals in advance to ensure you hit your specific protein, carb and fat needs while supporting your fitness goals. This means:

Meal prep is not just about convenience, it is about taking control of your nutrition and giving your body the building blocks it needs to sculpt the physique you desire.

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Macro Nutrients briefly explained: Carbs, Proteins and Fats

Macro nutrients are those nutrients your body needs in the right amounts to function properly and fuel your activities. They provide energy and support various bodily processes.

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Carbohydrates (Carbs):
Function: Carbs provide your body with readily available energy.
Sources: Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, starchy legumes.
Types: Simple (sugars) and complex (starches). Simple carbs digest quickly while complex carbs take longer to digest and provide sustained energy.
Importance for Boybuilders: Carbs fuel workouts, aid recovery, replenish glycogen stores.
Function: Proteins build and repair tissues, make enzymes and hormones and support immune function.
Sources: Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, tofu.
Types: There are seven types of proteins: antibodies, contractile proteins, enzymes, hormonal proteins, structural proteins, storage proteins and transport proteins.
Importance for bodybuilders: Proteins build muscle mass, support recovery, maintain muscle during calorie restriction.
Function: Fats provide long-lasting energy, insulate organs, aid in hormone production and absorb fat-soluble vitamins.
Sources: Healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, fatty fish, olive oil.
Types: Saturated and unsaturated (including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated).
Importance for bodybuilders: Fats support hormonal health, improve satiety and contribute to overall health.

Calories represent the energy your body gets from food and understanding how they relate to macronutrients is essential. Each macronutrient provides a specific amount of energy measured in calories: carbs and proteins provide 4 calories/gram, while fats provide 9 calories/gram. The recommended daily intake of each macro nutrient varies depending on individual factors like age, the current body composition, activity level and training goals (fat loss, maintenance or muscle gain). Calculate your ideal macro daily intake based on the macronutrient calculator (macros calculator) you can find here on this page.

Calculate your daily macro needs

To calculate your daily macronutrient needs, use the macro calculator provided in the link below. Enter your age, gender, height, weight, activity level, nutrition goal and desired macro split based on your goals. The calculator also offers advanced options, including the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) formula, which estimates your daily calorie needs. Mifflin St Jeor Equation is currently considered the most popular and accurate BMR formula for most people. It is important to remember that BMR daily calorie calculations are just estimates of your daily needs and may need adjustments based on your individual response and real-life experiences.

Macros Calculator

Meal prep basics: How to meal prep

  1. Plan your meals: Dedicate a specific day to planning the meals for the whole week. This helps maintaining consistency and prevents last-minute stress. Select recipes that are healthy, enjoyable and easy to prepare in bulk. Consider variety, portion sizes based on your dietary needs. Create a grocery list based on your chosen recipes, make a detailed shopping list to avoid unnecessary purchases and impulse buys. A save time option is choosing pre-cut vegetables or pre-washed greens if your budget allows.
  2. Craft tasty and convenient prepped meals: Gather your ingredients, tools and cook in clean workspaces. Dedicate some time for prepping, start with preparation and cooking tasks that take longer, like cooking grains or roasting vegetables. This allows you to efficiently utilize your time. Make sure you have consistent amounts of protein, carbohydrates and vegetables in each container. Divide your prepped meals into individual containers for easy grab-and-go convenience. Label each container with the contents, macronutrient breakdown and date to prevent confusion and ensure food safety.
  3. Enjoy your meals thrughout the week: With your meals prepped, you can reduce impulsive eating and can even lead to cost savings by avoiding unnecessary grocery trips. Prepping healthy meals empowers you to stay on track with your goals, no matter how busy your week may be.
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Common challenges of Meal Prep

From Frustration to Flavour: My Journey to Simplified Meal Prep

Let me be honest, meal prep wasn't always sunshine and rainbows for me. I faced the same challenges you might be encountering right now. Planning meals felt overwhelming and the idea of dedicating a large chunk of time to prepping everything in advance seemed daunting. In addition the thought of a life of boring meals, like chicken and rice on repeat, was enough to make me want to run for the hills! But here is the thing: I knew the importance of a structured meal plan prepped in advance.

I felt meal prep was the key to avoiding junk food cravings that sabotage progress! I wanted to ensure I was fueling my body with clean, healthy food in the right quantities, without relying on last-minute decisions. So, I rolled up my sleeves, spent some serious time in the kitchen and embarked on a series of culinary experiments. There were some fails, definitely some dishes did not quite work out, however each attempt taught me valuable lessons.

Through trial and error, I finally cracked the code and developed a 6-week meal plan filled with flavour and variety. This experience taught me that meal prep does not have to be a chore. It can be an empowering experience that unlocks a world of healthy eating options essential to reach your fitness goals.

The recipes in this meal plan have been extensively tested to ensure they are not only flavourful but also deliver on taste, healthy nutrition and convenience, leaving you confident you are fueling your body for success. After calculating your ideal macros on the macros calculator, I will show you exactly how to tailor each recipe in this book to your specific needs. No more one-size-fits-all meals, customize your macros for a truly personalized approach to healthy eating! Click the link below to discover more about this meal plan!

The Complete High-Protein Meal Prep Guide & Cookbook  |  About the Author  |  Free BONUS

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